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VITRAKVI is indicated for the treatment of adult and pediatric patients with solid tumors that:
Select patients for therapy based on an FDA-approved test.
This indication is approved under accelerated approval based on overall response rate and duration of response. Continued approval for this indication may be contingent upon verification and description of clinical benefit in confirmatory trials.
Warning and Precautions
Central Nervous System Effects: Central nervous system (CNS) adverse reactions occurred in patients receiving VITRAKVI, including dizziness, cognitive impairment, mood disorders, and sleep disturbances.
In patients who received VITRAKVI, all grades CNS effects including cognitive impairment, mood disorders, dizziness and sleep disorders were observed in 42% with Grades 3-4 in 3.9% of patients.
Cognitive impairment occurred in 11% of patients. The median time to onset of cognitive impairment was 5.6 months (range: 2 days to 41 months). Cognitive impairment occurring in ≥1% of patients included memory impairment (3.6%), confusional state (2.9%), disturbance in attention (2.9%), delirium (2.2%), cognitive disorders (1.4%), and Grade 3 cognitive adverse reactions occurred in 2.5% of patients. Among the 30 patients with cognitive impairment, 7% required a dose modification and 20% required dose interruption.
Mood disorders occurred in 14% of patients. The median time to onset of mood disorders was 3.9 months (range: 1 day to 40.5 months). Mood disorders occurring in ≥1% of patients included anxiety (5%), depression (3.9%), agitation (2.9%), and irritability (2.9%). Grade 3 mood disorders occurred in 0.4% of patients.
Dizziness occurred in 27% of patients, and Grade 3 dizziness occurred in 1.1% of patients. Among the 74 patients who experienced dizziness, 5% of patients required a dose modification and 5% required dose interruption.
Sleep disturbances occurred in 10% of patients. Sleep disturbances included insomnia (7%), somnolence (2.5%), and sleep disorder (0.4%). There were no Grade 3-4 sleep disturbances. Among the 28 patients who experienced sleep disturbances, 1 patient each (3.6%) required a dose modification or dose interruption.
Advise patients and caretakers of these risks with VITRAKVI. Advise patients not to drive or operate hazardous machinery if they are experiencing neurologic adverse reactions. Withhold or permanently discontinue VITRAKVI based on the severity. If withheld, modify the VITRAKVI dosage when resumed.
Skeletal Fractures: Among 187 adult patients who received VITRAKVI across clinical trials, fractures were reported in 7% and among 92 pediatric patients, fractures were reported in 9% (N=279; 8%). Median time to fracture was 11.6 months (range 0.9 to 45.8 months) in patients followed per fracture. Fractures of the femur, hip or acetabulum were reported in 4 patients (3 adult, 1 pediatric). Most fractures were associated with minimal or moderate trauma. Some fractures were associated with radiologic abnormalities suggestive of local tumor involvement. VITRAKVI treatment was interrupted due to fracture in 1.4% patients.
Promptly evaluate patients with signs or symptoms of potential fracture (e.g., pain, changes in mobility, deformity). There are no data on the effects of VITRAKVI on healing of known fractures or risk of future fractures.
Hepatotoxicity: Hepatotoxicity including drug induced liver injury (DILI) has been reported in patients taking VITRAKVI.
In patients who received VITRAKVI, increased AST of any grade occurred in 52% of patients and increased ALT of any grade occurred in 45%. Grade 3-4 increased AST or ALT occurred in 3.1% and 2.5% of patients, respectively. The median time to onset of increased AST was 2.1 months (range: 1 day to 4.3 years). The median time to onset of increased ALT was 2.3 months (range: 1 day to 4.2 years). Increased AST and ALT leading to dose modifications occurred in 1.4% and 2.2% of patients, respectively. Increased AST or ALT led to permanent discontinuation in 3 (1.1%) of patients.
There have been reports in adult patients from clinical studies and post-marketing cases of Grade ≥ 2 increases in ALT and/or AST with increases in bilirubin ≥ 2 x ULN.
Obtain liver function tests (ALT, AST, ALP and bilirubin) before initiation of VITRAKVI and monitor every 2 weeks during the first two months of treatment, then monthly thereafter, or more frequently following the occurrence of Grade 2 or greater AST or ALT elevation. Temporarily withhold, reduce the dose, or permanently discontinue VITRAKVI based on severity.
Adverse Reactions
Drug Interactions
Use in Specific Populations
For important risk and use information about VITRAKVI, please see the full Prescribing Information.
You are encouraged to report side effects or quality complaints of products to the FDA by visiting www.fda.gov/medwatch or calling 1-800-FDA-1088.
For Bayer products, you can report these directly to Bayer by clicking here.